How can Mr. Robot help you?
Best in Bags
Pick your best gear.
Answers in seconds.
Upgrade Finder
Get the most from the Great Vault.
Find better gear.
Worst in Bags
Search through your bags for items that can safely be discarded
Best in Slot
Find the best gear sets using any item in the game
Best in Bags Tutorial Help
The order matters
Setups are optimized in order from top to bottom. Drag and drop to re-order.
Pick a Gearing Strategy
Pick Talents
points available
points available
points available
Set Gear Preferences
Best. In. Bags.
Fight Options
Spec Options
Secondary Stats
Gear at ilvl has about total secondary stats on it.
How much would you allocate to each stat? (Drag the square handles between each piece of the pie to change them.)
Tank Options
What type of damage are you taking? (Drag the square handles between each piece of the pie to change the ratio.)
AoE Magic
Overhealing Estimates
Team Composition
Gems and Enchants
Special Items
Enter a multiplier to increase/decrease the value of each item's special effect.
We will handle scaling your custom value up/down based on item level automatically.
For example, 2.0 would make an effect rank twice as high as our default ranking.
0.5 would make it half as good. 0 would make it worth nothing. 10.0 is the max value.
Even though this is your spec, Best in Bags picked some spec gems and enchants. Why?
On the left, you have setups set as a higher priority than this spec setup. So those specs get first pick of gems and enchants. But even with some off-spec gems and enchants, the chosen gear is better.
If you want to prioritize gems and enchants higher, drag and drop to re-order your setups on the left.
Essences and Azerite
We no longer do full essence/azerite optimization (why not?). Here are some popular suggestions from the end of Battle for Azeroth:
Major Essence
Minor Essences
Azerite Traits
Note: we won't change your azerite gear (head, shoulder, chest) -- lock in the azerite items that you wish to use.
Upgrade Finder Tutorial Help
Search for potential upgrades from raids, dungeons, crafting, and more.
Pick a Best in Bags Setup
Pick a Search
Set Options
Boss Filters
Liberation of Undermine
Nerub-ar Palace
Blackrock Depths
World Bosses
Optional: Cost Efficiency Settings
This will add an extra ranking that tries to estimate cost efficiency. This is a bit experimental.
You can ignore this set of options if you don't care!
Make sure to set your 'Max Upgrade Threshold' above to a level that matches your settings below,
e.g. if you are doing Mythic raids then you probably want to see upgrades that require the highest level of crest.
Which raid difficulties do you run each week?
How many Mythic+ dungeons do you run each week?
Additional options
Find better stuff
Enter any number of search terms separated by commas -- only items that match all search terms will appear.
You can search for any text in the item name, slot, weapon type, stats, title, difficulty or source information, or use any of the following special terms:
- sethas a set bonus
- raiddrops in any raid
- dungeondrops in any 5-man dungeon
- weaponany weapon
- 1hone-handed weapons
- 2htwo-handed weapons
- explorer/adventurer/veteran/champion/hero/mythitems on this upgrade track
- sockethas a socket
- specialhas a special equip/use effect
- boebind on equip
- warbandbind to warband until equipped
- pvppvp items
- uncommon/rare/epic/legendaryitems of this rarity (green/blue/purple/orange)
- [id]for nerds: type an item's numeric ID
example 1: "raid,crit,2h" -- two-handed weapons with critical strike that drop in raids
example 2: "veteran,axe" -- axes that are on the veteran upgrade track
example 3: "dungeon,heroic,finger" -- rings that drop in heroic dungeons
Worst in Bags Tutorial Help
Fully configure how aggressive you want to be with cleaning out your unused gear.
Set options
Check any items that you never want to discard
Start cleaning house
You have items to discard
You have no Best in Bags setups for . If you don't want to discard items for those specs, create a Best in Bags setup for each spec and run Worst in Bags again.
Best in Slot Help
Pick a Gearing Strategy
Pick Talents
points available
points available
points available
Set Gear Preferences
Boss Filters
Liberation of Undermine
Nerub-ar Palace
Blackrock Depths
World Bosses
Cause math to happen
Fight Options
Spec Options
Secondary Stats
Gear at ilvl has about total secondary stats on it.
How much would you allocate to each stat? (Drag the square handles between each piece of the pie to change them.)
Tank Options
What type of damage are you taking? (Drag the square handles between each piece of the pie to change the ratio.)
AoE Magic
Overhealing Estimates
Team Composition
Gems and Enchants
Special Items
Enter a multiplier to increase/decrease the value of each item's special effect.
We will handle scaling your custom value up/down based on item level automatically.
For example, 2.0 would make an effect rank twice as high as our default ranking.
0.5 would make it half as good. 0 would make it worth nothing. 10.0 is the max value.
Edit Character
Send to Addon
Ask Mr. Robot Addon
Rename Setup
This is the name of the in-game equipment set
that will be created when you press Send to Addon.
Welcome to Ask Mr. Robot!
Here are a few tips to help you navigate the site.
1 of 4
Click your character name to update from addon or change character
2 of 4
Click one of the spec icons next to your name to change current spec
3 of 4
Click the "burger" to the left of the name to edit talents, level, race, professions
4 of 4
Click the help(?) button at the top of the page to see these tips again
Get Help with
- Copy the snapshot ID above
- Create a post on our forum describing your issue
- Paste the above snapshot ID at the top of your post
- Be as detailed as possible to get faster support!
Help someone else out!
Custom Setups
You can also Import a Custom Setup:
Save a Custom Setup
The War Within Pre-Patch Best in Bags
The War Within Pre-Patch BiS
Don't worry about the chosen "BiS" gear, it won't be correct, Blizzard hasn't even implemented many items yet. This is here just so you can browse some of the upcoming gear.